高世州 助理教授







   聯絡信箱 | Kaosc@nuu.edu.tw

   聯絡電話 | 037-381610

   研究空間 | C1-420

   學  歷 | 國立中央大學工業管理博士

   研究專長 | 品質管理、生產與作業管理、問卷調查研究









112 Ho, Y. C., Chen, J.C. and Kao, S. C. (2023). “The design of a parallel zone-picking system with cooperation area between neighbouring zones and its cooperation methods”. International Journal of Production Research. Accepted and in press (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2023.2217946. IF=9.2Q1 (7/50)
112 Kao, S. C. (2023). “Robust Estimation of the Process Dispersion for Standard Deviation Control Charts”. European Journal of Industrial Engineering. 17(3), pp.408-430. (SCI).  IF=1Q4 (47/50)
111 Kao, S. C. (2022). “A robust standard deviation control chart based on square A estimator”. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 38, pp.2715-2730. (SCI). IF=2.3Q3 (37/50)
110 Ho, Y. C., Kao, S. C. and Chou, C. F. (2021). “Robustness dispersion control charts in skewed distributions”. International Journal of Industrial Engineering- Theory Applications and Practice 28(4), pp. 372-389. (SCI). IF=1.1Q4 (45/50)
107 Kao, S. C. (2018). “A control chart based on weighted bootstrap with strata”.   Communication in Statistic: Simulation and computation 47(2), pp 556-581. (MOST 105-2410-H-244-002). (SCI). IF=0.9Q3(96/125)
107 劉黃盈嘉、高世州(2018)。止吐藥物與患者自控式止痛副作用相關分析。全球商業經營管理學報10157-166
106 Kao, S. C. (2017). “  and R control charts based on weighted variance with left-right tail–weighted ratio for skewed distributions”.  Communication in Statistic: Simulation and computation 46(4), pp. 2714-2732. ( MOST 103-2918-I-244 -001 ). (SCI). IF=0.9Q3(96/125)
105 Kao, S. C. (2016). “Robustness of Retrospective Weighted Control Charts ”.  European Journal of Industrial Engineering 10(4), pp.407–430. (SCI). IF=1Q4 (47/50)
103 高世州 、 黃正魁 、 戴麗文 、 李明青 (2014)。以暴露理論探討電子商務之長尾現象-以數位相機為例 。資訊與管理科學7(2)2-28
101 Kao, S. C. (2012). “Monitoring turnaround time using an average control chart in the laboratory”. International Journal of Industrial Engineering- Theory Applications and Practice 19(12), pp. 476-486. (NSC 97-2410-H-244 -008)(SCI)
101 Kao, S. C. (2012) “Using average control chart with subgroups to monitor turnaround time”. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 71, pp. 27-35. (SCI)
101 Kao, S. C. (2012). “Determining the constants of Range chart for skewed populations”. International Journal of Industrial Engineering- Theory Applications and Practice 19(2), pp. 68-79. (NSC 98-2410-H-244 -003) (SCI)
99 Kao, S. C. (2010).” Deciding Optimal Specification Limits and Process Adjustments under Quality Loss Function and Process Capability Indices”.  International Journal of Industrial Engineering- Theory Applications and Practice 17(3), pp.212-222. (SCI)
99 Kao, S. C. (2010). “Normalization of the origin-shifted exponential distribution for control chart construction”. Journal of Applied Statistics 37(7), pp. 1067-1087. ( NSC 95-2416-H-244 -004) (SSCI)
96 Kao, S. C. and Ho, C. (2007). “Robustness of R-Chart to Non-normality”. Communication in Statistic: Simulation and computation 36, pp. 1089-1098.(SCI)
96 Kao, S. C. and Ho, C. (2007). “Monitoring a Process of Exponentially Distributed Characteristics through Minimizing the Sum of the Squared Differences”. Quality & Quantity 41, pp.137-149. (SSCI)
95 Kao, S. C., Ho, C. and Ho, Y. C. (2006). “Transforming the Exponential by Minimizing Sum of the Absolute Differences”. Journal of Applied Statistics 33(7), pp.691-702 . (SSCI)
95 Kao, S. C. and Ho, C. (2006). “Process Monitoring of the Sample Variances through an Optimal Normalizing Transformation”. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 30, pp.459-469. (SCI)
95 Ho, C., Kao, S. C. and Case, K. E. (2006). Effects of Estimators of Process Standard Deviation on the Detective Capacity of   Charts. International Journal of Industrial Engineering- Theory Applications and Practice 13(1), pp.28-40.(SCI)



109 Kao, S. C (2020). Robust Location Estimations for Skewed Distributions. 2020 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD'20), Paris, France, October 7-9.  MOST 108-2410-H-244-00.
106 Kao, S. C  (2017). Phase I weighted average control chart for a skewed process. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2017), July 17-21, Quebec, Canada. MOST 103-2410-H-244-001.
105 Kao, S. C (2016). Bootstrapping control chart for skewed process, The 28th European Conference on Operational Research, July 3-6, Poznań, Poland.
103 Kao, S. C, Huang, Y. J. (2014, Jul). Skewed correction average control chart based on sample standard deviation. The 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Barcelona Spain.
102 Chen, Y. F., Tang, H. C., Kao, S. C. (2013). Range Chart Based on False Alarm Rates for Burr Process. Business and Information, July 7-9, Bali Indonesia.
101 Chen, Y. F., Kao, S. C. (2012). Determining average control chart based on subgroups for lognormal process. The 13th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering, December 1-5, Phuket Thailand.
100 Kao, S. C., Chang, C. W. (2011). Designing Control limits of the range chart for skewed process, The 21st International Conference on Production Research, July 31-August 4, Stuttgart Germany.
99 Kao, S. C.(2010). Designing Control Limits of Average Control Chart Using subgroups for Nonnormal Processes, 24th European Conference on Operational Research, July 11-14, Lisbon Portugal.
99 Lang, T. Y., Su, S. Y., Kao, S. C.(2010). Application of Chinese Doctrine of the Mean into Enterprise Leadership, The 24th European Conference on Operational Research, July 11-14, Lisbon Portugal.



        111/08/01-112/07/31         主持人 扣件製程的穩健管制圖設計:以六角螺帽內孔孔徑為例
108/08/01~109/07/31 主持人 非態分配下階段一平均數管制圖的位置估計量之穩健性分析
105/08/01~106/07/31 主持人 使用分層的偏態製程加權拔靴管制圖
103/08/01~104/07/31 主持人

X—bar and R control charts based on weighted variance with left—right tail—weighted ratio
(103年度 (第52屆) 補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究計畫,美國普渡大學)

103/08/01~104/07/31 主持人 偏態製程的分析階段之加權平均數管制圖
102/08/01~103/07/31 主持人 穩健的加權平均數管制圖
101/08/01~102/07/31 主持人 考慮連串長度分配與製程偏移的製程監視階段之偏態修正管制圖設計
100/08/01~101/07/31 主持人 穩健的偏態修正之四分位距管制圖
99/08/01~100/07/31 主持人 穩健的偏態修正之平均數管制圖
98/08/01~99/07/31 主持人 偏態製程的全距管制圖之標準化管制界限設計
97/08/01~98/07/31 主持人 偏態製程的平均數管制圖之標準化管制界限設計
95/08/01~96/07/31 主持人 具有位置參數的指數分配製程之管控






111/08/01-113/07/31 監控揀貨時間變異之管制圖設計(亞慶聯合物流股份有限公司)
108/12/01~109/05/31 揀貨時間之品質管控(亞慶聯合物流股份有限公司)