
于世恒 助理教授/圖書館系統管理組組長







    聯絡信箱 | shyu@nuu.edu.tw

    聯絡電話 | 037-381616

    研究空間 | C1-413

    學  歷 | 國立中央大學企業管理研究所博士

    研究專長 | 作業管理、績效評估、永續發展、專案管理、決策分析









111 Chen M., Yu, S. H., & Ding, S. (2022). “Fallen down” = “broken down”? The influence of the parking status of dockless shared bikes on consumers’ willingness to use. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 43, 100794. DOI: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2022.100794. (IF: 4.286 in 2021)(SSCI, BUSINESS, Rank: 94/154, Q3; SSCI, MANAGEMENT, Rank: 123/228, Q3; TRANSPORTATION, Rank: 16/37, Q2)
111 Chen, M., Chu, X. Y., Lin, C. H., & Yu, S. H. (2022). What goes around comes around: The effect of belief in karma on charitable donation behavior. Psychology & Marketing, 39(5), 1065-1077. DOI: 10.1002/mar.21642. (IF: 5.507 in 2021)(SSCI, BUSINESS, Rank: 68/154, Q2; SSCI, PSYCHOLOGY, APPLIED, Rank: 18/83, Q1)
110 Chen M., Yu, S. H., & Gao, Y. (2021), “Considering lightness: How the lightness of app icon backgrounds affects consumers’ download intention through risk perception”, Behaviour & Information Technology, Published online, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2021.2017485. (IF: 3.086 in 2020)(SSCI, ERGONOMICS, Rank: 7/16, Q2; SCIE, COMPUTER SCIENCE, CYBERNETICS, Rank: 8/23, Q2)
110 Su, E., Hsiao, C. H., Chen, Y. T., & Yu, S. H. (2021), “An examination of COVID-19 mitigation efficiency among 23 countries”, Healthcare, 9(6), 755-770. (IF: 2.645 in 2020)(SSCI, HEALTH POLICY & SERVICES, Rank: 40/88, Q2; SCIE, HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES, Rank: 57/107, Q3)
109 Chen, Yi-Tui; Yen, Yung-Feng; Yu, Shih-Heng*; Chia-Yu Su, Emily,A Flexible Lockdown by Integrating Public Health and Economic Reactivation to Response the Crisis of COVID-19: Responses to Comments by Alvaro J Idrovo on An Examination on the Transmission of COVID-19 and the Effect of Response Strategies: A Comparative Analysis
109 Chen, X., Chen, M., Yu, S. H., Wu, Y., Tao, A. (2020), “Influence of types and sources of electronic word-of-mouth on consumers’ healthcare-seeking decisions”, Social Behavior and Personality, Accepted and forthcoming. (will be published on Vol. 48 (11)) (SSCI, PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL)
109 Chen, Y. T., Yen, Y. F., Yu, S. H., Su, E. (2020). “An examination on the transmission of COVID-19 and the effect of response strategies: A comparative analysis”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5687. (SSCI, PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, IF: 2.849 in 2019, Rank: 32/170, Q1, 通訊作者)
109 Gao, Y., Yu, S. H., Chen M., Shiue Y. C. (2020), “A 2020 perspective on "The performance of the P2P finance industry in China"”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 40, 100940. (SSCI, BUSINESS, IF: 3.824 in 2019, Rank:46/152, Q2; SCIE, COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Rank:34/156, Q1, 通訊作者)
109 Yu, S. H., Hsu, C. W. (2020). A unified extension of super-efficiency in additive data envelopment analysis with integer-valued inputs and outputs: An application to a municipal bus system. Annals of Operations Research, 287(1), 515-535. (SCIE, OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, IF: 2.583 in 2019, Rank: 29/83, Q2, 第一及通訊作者)
109 Chen, M., Hung, Y., Yu, S. H., & Wu, C. H. (2020). Lucky reply effect: How a company’s online replies to consumers’ online comments affect consumers’ predictions of randomly determined associated rewards. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 32(4), 162-174. (IF: 1.882 in 2019)(SSCI, INFORMATION SCIENCE & LIBRARY SCIENCE, IF: 1.882 in 2019, Rank: 38/87, Q2)
108 Yu, S. H. (2019), “Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation Towards the Sustainable Development of Regions in Taiwan: A Minimum Distance-Based Measure with Undesirable Outputs in Additive DEA”, Social Indicators Research, 144(3), 1323-1348. (SSCI, SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY, IF: 1.703 in 2018, Rank: 35/104, Q2, 第一及通訊作者)
107 Gao Y., Yu, S. H., Shiue, Y. C. (2018), “The Performance of the P2P Finance Industry in China”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 30, 138-148. (SSCI, BUSINESS, IF: 2.582 in 2017, Rank:58/140, Q2, 通訊作者)
106 Yu, S. H., Su, E., Chen, Y. T. (2018), “Data-driven Approach to Improving the Risk Assessment Process of Medical Failures”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2069. (SSCI, PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, IF: 2.145 in 2017, Rank:44/156, Q2, 第一作者)
106 Chen, Y. T., Yang, F. C., Yu, S. H. (2018), “The Diffusion Effect of MSW Recycling”, Sustainability, 10(1), 40. (SSCI, ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, IF: 2.075 in 2017, Rank:51/108, Q2, 通訊作者)
106 Yu, S. H., Gao Y., Shiue, Y. C. (2017), “A Comprehensive Evaluation of Sustainable Development Ability and Pathway for Major Cities in China”, Sustainability, 9(8), 1483. (SSCI, ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, IF: 1.789 in 2016, Rank:47/105, Q2, 第一作者)
103 Lu, S. T., Yu, S. H., Chang, D. S. (2014), “Using Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Assessing the Risk of Railway Reconstruction Project in Taiwan”, The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2014, 1-14. (SCIE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES, IF:1.219 in 2013, Rank:16/55, Q2)
102 Lu, S. T., Yu, S. H., Chang, D. S., Su, S. C. (2013), “Using the Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relation Approach for Assessing the Importance of Risk Factors in a Software Development Project”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2013, 1-9. (SCIE, ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, IF:1.383 in 2012, Rank: 23/90, Q2)



112 何宣瑩、鍾若蓁、陳姵穎、柯俐安、于世恒 (2023)。綠色金融背景下銀行業關鍵風險探索:Delphi及DEMATEL法的結合應用。2023智慧永續循環技術研討會暨專題競賽,臺中:東海大學
112 吳綉蓁、徐郁雁、賴渝萱、洪芷柔、于世恒 (2023)。踏上綠色航(海)運浪潮:考量碳排放之航商營運績效評估。第 13 屆服務科學研究論壇暨研討會(FSSR 2023),高雄:國立高雄科技大學
112 Yu, S. H., & Chen, M.  (2023). Network DEA approach for eSports performance assessment. IFORS 2023, 10-14 July, 2023 Santiago, Chile.
110 于世恒、許家偉,邁向永續生產之逐步標竿學習模式,2021中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會
110 李珮如、于世恒,臺灣電競產業經營效率分析-兩階段網路資料包絡法的應用,2021第十二屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會
109 許家偉、程大哲、于世恒,企業永續影響力評價模式,2020永續性產品與產業管理研討會
109 許家偉、徐雅鈴、許書銘、于世恒,從呼應到實踐聯合國永續發展目標–以金融業為例,2020永續性產品與產業管理研討會
106 許家偉、于世恒、許書銘 (2017),建構永續營運之標竿學習模式,2017永續性產品與產業管理研討會,新竹:國立清華大學。
105 Chang, D.S., Yu, S.H. (2016), Measuring the Efficiency with Both Operation and Service Quality Objectives in Banking Industry, POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
105 許家偉、于世恒 (2016),建立以效率為基礎之勞工衝擊評估模式,2016永續性產品與產業管理研討會,台南:嘉南藥理大學。
103 Chang, D.S., Yu, S.H. (2014), Benchmarking Model with Slacks-Based Measure of New DMUs Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis, POMS International Conference, Singapore.
102 Yeh, L.T., Chang, D.S., Yu, S.H. (2013), Modeling the Carry-over Effects of the Intangible Advertising Capital into Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis, The 2013 International DSI and Asia Pacific DSI Conference, Indonesia.



112/08/01~113/07/31 主持人 碳排有價:考慮碳排成本之營運無效率測量及分解
111/08/01112/07/31 主持人 淨零挑戰下私部門碳排放分配最佳化模式:融入集權與總量管制之思維觀點
110/08/01~111/07/31 主持人 全球典範企業永續發展對應地圖:企業社會責任(CSR)與聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)的關聯探索
109/08/01~110/07/31 主持人 基於生命週期思維之永續生產標竿學習模式
108/12/01~109/11/30 主持人 網路資料包絡分析與企業經營績效:基於企業永續力的評估觀點



109/07/01~110/02/28 市區公車營運績效變遷:服務品質的跨期連結效果(林瑩慈)



109/02/01~110/07/31 109-110年度中華專案管理學會網路認證計畫/社團法人中華專案管理學會



112 學士專題 踏上綠色航(海)運浪潮:考量碳排放之航商營運績效評估 洪芷柔、吳綉蓁、賴渝萱、徐郁雁
112 學士專題 綠色金融背景下銀行業關鍵風險探索:德爾菲及決策實驗室分析法的結合應用 鍾若蓁、何宣瑩、柯俐安、陳姵穎
111 學士專題 運用PZB、Kano模式與IPA法探討影音串流平台的服務品質 黃沛綺、李玟慧、徐櫻綺、謝宇帆
111 學士專題 金融業經營績效與服務品質探討 李庭羽、江昀璇、林寧瑄、李宛君
110 學士專題 防疫國家隊績效變遷:跨群組與共同邊界的比較探索 韓湘芷、吳思芳、連育靖、陳俐瑾
110 學士專題 邁向運具電動化:由獲利力與市場力觀點初探台灣汽車產業的世代交替 黃鼎荃、王渝樺、劉俊佑、黃宇銓
109 碩士論文 臺灣電競產業經營效率分析-兩階段網路資料包絡分析法的應用 李珮如
109 學士專題 市區公車營運績效變遷:服務品質的跨期連結效果 林瑩慈、王毓琦、林雅琪、林祐安
109 學士專題 決勝FinTech時代:台灣電子支付業的續效探索 黃浩維、王奕淳、徐曼真、廖靜妤




