
盧昱蓉 副教授







   聯絡信箱 | carol0407@nuu.edu.tw

   聯絡電話 | 037-381595

   研究空間 | C1-401

   學  歷 | 美國南達科他大學商業教育博士

   研究專長 | 網路行銷與電子商務、消費者行為、觀光









113 Carol Yirong Lu, Marek, M.W., Chen, B. T. (2024). Predictors of preventative behavior in the restaurant industry: learning from the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/15378020.2024.2423106
113 Huruta, A. D., Sasongko, G., Wahyudi, Y., Saptuti Sri Kawuryan, I., & Carol Yirong Lu, (2024). Sustainability and community-based tourism nexus: a mediation role of consumer satisfaction. Cogent Business & Management11(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2024.2421418
113 Hasan, M., Supatminingsih, T., Tahir, T., Guampe, F.A., Huruta A. D., & Carol Yirong Lu, (2025). Sustainable Agricultural Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship Literacy in Agricultural SMEs: Triple Bottom Line Investigation, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joitmc.2025.100466
112 Carol Yirong Lu, Yao-Chin Wang, Dwi Suhartanto (2024, Jan). Memory impressions in slow tourism: Intrapersonal and interpersonal authenticity as antecedents . International Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI), 26(1)e2604
111 Lu, Carol Yirong ,Suhartanto, D. (2022, Aug). Exploration of new outdoor leisure activities (glamping) during the post-pandemic era . Tourism Recreation Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2022.2111628
111 Lu, Carol Yirong,Allan Cheng Chieh Lu (2022, Aug). Parasocial Interaction, Destination Personality Fit and Consumers’ Behavioral Intentions: The Case of TV Shopping . Sustainability (SSCI), 14, 9476.
111 Lu, Carol Yirong., Chen, B. , & Hutapea, R (2022, Jul). What Drives Tourist Loyalty toward Taiwan as a Tourist Destination? A Lesson Prior to the COVID19 Pandemic . International Journal of Applied Business Research , 4(2)133-150
110 Carol Yirong. Lu, David Dean, Dwi Suhartanto, Ananda Sabil Hussein, Suwatno,Lusianus Kusdibyo, Brendan T. Chen & Arie Indra Gunawan (2021, Jun).Predicting Tourist Loyalty toward Cultural Creative Attractions the ModeratingRole of Demographic Factors. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality &Tourism(ESCI), 22(3)293-311. (Scopus). 
110 Suhartanto, D., Dean, D., Wibisono, N., Lu, Carol Yirong, & Amin, H (2021,
Jun). Millennial loyalty in Halal tourism: a destination-based analysis. Current
Issues in Tourism (SSCI), published online. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1924635
110 Chen, B.T., Lu, Carol.Yirong*., Chang, M.C., & Lin, C.Y. (2021, May). Motives
for internships-airline ground crew as an example, Journal of Teaching in
Travel & Tourism (SCOPUS), 21(1), 19 - 42. (Scopus). 
110 Yussaivi, Ambia & Lu, Carol Yirong & Syarief, Moch & Suhartanto, Dwi. (2021,
Jan). The Use of Contemporary Mobile Banking Service in Islamic Banks:
Perspective of Young Customers, International Journal of Applied Business
Research, 3, (1), 39–53.
109 Carol Yirong. Lu*, Michael Marek, I Cheng Pai (2020, Jul). An Exploratory Studyon Consumer Purchase Behavior From Live Webcasting E-Commerce.
International Journal of Online Marketing (ESCI, SCOPUS), 10(3), 1-20.
107 Suhartanto D., Lu, Carol Yirong., Hussein, A.S., and Chen, B.T (2018, Dec).
Scrutinizing Shopper and Retailer Perception on Shopping Destination Image.
Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (ESCI, SCOPUS), 6(2), 169-187.
106 Lu, C.C, Chi,G.Q, Lu, Carol Yirong* (2017, Jul). Sensation seeking, message
sensation value, and destinations: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Journal of
Hospitality Tourism & Research (SSCI), 41(3),357-383. (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
105 Lu, Carol Yirong; Yeh, W.J; Chen B.T (2016, Jan). The Study of International
Students’ Behavior Intention for Leisure Participation: Using Perceived Risk as
Moderator. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism (SCOPUS),
17(2)224-236. (Scopus). 
105 Lu,C.C, Gursoy, D., Lu, Carol Yirong* (2016, Jan). Antecedents and Outcomes
of Consumers' Confusion. Annals of Tourism Research (SSCI), 57,76-93. (SSCI). 
104 Lu, C.C., Gursoy, D, Lu, Carol Yirong∗. (2015, Sep). Authenticity perceptions,
brand equity and brand choice intention:The case of ethnic restaurants.
International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI), 50, 36-46. (SSCI).
MOST 103-2410-H-033-033. 
104 Carol Yirong Lu; Celine Berchoux; Michael Marek; Brendan T. Chen (2015,
May). Service quality and customer satisfaction: Qualitative research
implications for luxury hotel. International Journal of Culture, Tourism
Hospitality Research (SCOPUS), 9(2),168- 182. (Scopus). .
103 Kuo,C.M, Yuo,S.H., Lu, Carol Yirong* (2014, Jan). Integration of the Kano andQFD model in health food development: using black beans as examples.
QUALITY & QUANTITY (SSCI), 48(1), 225-242. (SSCI). 



113 Agnes Angelica, & Carol Yirong Lu (2024). The impact of Positive Emotion in ASMR Ads on Consumer Behavioral Intention. The 7th NIT-NUU Bilateral Academic Conference, NUU (Taiwan).
113 蔡旻軒、况怡靜、陳佑芸、張家隆、盧昱蓉以方法目的鏈探討擴增實境行動導覽使用意願。2024第十五屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會
113 盧姿帆、盧昱蓉,以科技準備度探討消費者對擴增實境的態度與使用意圖之影響。2024第十五屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會
113 李佳欣、盧昱蓉,VR體驗對重遊意願之影響:以心流體驗為中介效果。2024第十五屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會
108 Carol Yirong Lu*; Tinh Quan Tang (2019, Aug). The Impact of Experiential Authenticity on Tourists' Revisit Intention. 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM), Porthmouth, UK.
107 Lu, Y. C* ,& I-Cheng Pai (2018, Jun). A Study of Purchase Behavior from Facebook Live Platform :A Means-End Chain Approach. Advance in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) conference ,泰國曼谷
107 Lu, Y. C *,& Rosa Susana Pebe Perez (2018, Jun). The Study of the Human Resource Environment and Opportunities for Improvement within the Hospitality Industry. Advance in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and
Management (AHTMM) conference, 泰國曼谷
105 Lu, C. Y*., Hsu, Y. J (2016, Jul). The effects of advertising value and brand
attitude on consumer purchase intention-brand familiarity as a moderator. 2016 , 6th ahtmm conference, 大陸廣州.



113/08/01~114/07/31 主持人 遊戲化能影響遊客文化旅遊之參訪與推薦意願嗎?難忘旅遊體驗與文化知識獲取的中介作用以及開放性人格調節作用
110/08/01~111/07/31 主持人 代言人個性、目的地知覺意象對遊客旅遊意願的影響-以個性一致性為干擾變數
109/08/01~110/07/31 主持人 從真實性、記憶的印象到忠誠度:以台灣慢遊為個案
108/08/01~109/07/31 主持人 台灣目的地忠誠度構成結構之實證研究
107/08/01~108/07/31 主持人 以人格特質,懷舊,知覺風險為干擾變數


113 學士專題 探討消費者對虛擬直播主的持續追蹤意願之研究 徐絃耕、陳群祐、黃業庭、蕭仁瑋
113 學士專題 直播主特質認知對購買意願之影響-以商品類別為調節變數 謝育倫、吳東諺、陳建晟、張孟奇
112 碩士論文 以科技準備度探討消費者對擴增實境的態度與使用意圖之影響 盧姿帆
112 碩士論文 VR體驗對重遊意願之影響:以心流體驗為中介效果 李佳欣
112 學士專題 以方法目的鏈探討擴增實境行動導覽使用意願之研究 蔡旻軒、況怡靜、陳佑芸、張家隆
112 學士專題 抗疫疲勞對錯失恐懼(FOMO)與旅遊意願之影響:以消費者從眾特性為干擾變數。 洪翊雅、張文怡、廖韋豪、蔡廷宇

