劉康弘 助理教授 / 圖書館讀者服務組組長

聯絡信箱 | khliu@nuu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 | 037-381605
研究空間 | C1-416
學 歷 | 國立清華大學工業工程與工程管理博士
研究專長 | 認知人因工程、工業工程與管理、安全與衛生、人機系統
112 | Chih-Yu Hsiao, Chien-Chi Chang, Chun-Ju Liu and Kang-Hung Liu (2023) “Effects of the number of strokes, components and usage frequency on the legibility of Chinese characters for optical head-mounted display”, Behaviour & Information Technology. [SSCI] |
112 | Ching-Long Lee, Wen Pei, Yu-Cheng Lin, Anders Granmo and Kang-Hung Liu (2023) “Emotion Detection Based on Pupil Variation”, Healthcare, MDPI, Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 322. [SSCI] |
109 |
Ling-Hui Chen, Kang-Hung Liu, Pin-Ling Liu, Mao-Jiun Wang, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi and Chien-Chi Chang (2020) “Study of the foot morphology of recreational marathon runners. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers”, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 236(1), 43-52. [SCI] |
108 | Kang-Hung Liu, Jamie Tessler, Lauren A. Murphy, Chien-Chi Chang, Jack T. Dennerlein (2019) “The Gap Between Tools and Best Practice: An Analysis of Safety Prequalification Surveys in the Construction Industry”, NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 28(4), 683-703. [ESCI] |
107 | Yu-Ling Chen, Kang-Hung Liu, Chien-Chi Chang (2018) “Practical application of safety climate: A case study in the Taiwanese steel industry”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 67, 67-72. [SCI] |
104 | Kang-Hung Liu, Sheue-Ling Hwang, Min-Han Hsieh, Sheau-Farn Max Liang, Chang-Fu Chuang (2015) “Systematic layout planning in human–system interface: An evaluation of alarm displays with spatial proximity for accidents diagnosis of advanced boiling water reactor”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 51, 30-42. [SCI] |
103 | Kang-Hung Liu, Sheue-Ling Hwang (2014) “Human performance evaluation: The procedures of ultimate response guideline for nuclear power plants”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 273, 234-240. [SCI] |
101 | Min-Han Hsieh, Sheue-Ling Hwang, Kang-Hung Liu, Sheau-Farn Max Liang, Chang-Fu Chuang (2012) “A decision support system for identifying abnormal operating procedures in a nuclear power plant”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 249, 413-418. [SCI] |
101 | Min-Han Hsieh, Sheue-Ling Hwang, Kang-Hung Liu, Sheau-Farn Max Liang, Chang-Fu Chuang (2012), “Development of an expert system for abnormal operating procedures in a main control room”, Work, 41(Supplement 1), 2853-2858. [SSCI] |
113 | Kang-Hung Liu, Cai-Xuan Pan, Exploring the Effect of Distance Disparity on AR Reading Performance. The 7th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia,23-26 February 2024, Nagoya, Japan. |
113 | Kang-Hung Liu, Yen-Ting Lin, Cheng-Hsuan Hsu, Shu-Yin Wang, Wen-Kui Yang, Rainy Night Riders: Assessment of Visual Performance Impact of Safety Helmet Visors. 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2024), International Convention Center Jeju, Republic of Korea |
113 | Yu-Cheng Lin, Kang-Hung Liu, Anthropometry and Principal Component Analysis For Developing Taiwanese Passive Upper Limb Exoskeletons, 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2024), International Convention Center Jeju, Republic of Korea |
113 | Cai-Xuan Pan, Kang-Hung Liu, Assessing the impact of Virtual-Reality Fusion Bias on Reading Performance. 24th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2024), Chiang Mai, Thailand |
113 | 周彥彤、謝宜芳、陳亞琪、林詩庭、劉康弘,探討人力資源管理對於人工智慧生成履歷之看法與剖析。2024中國工業工程學會年會暨2024半導體製造智慧國際研討會,國立台北科技大學。 |
110 | Liu, K. H., Yang, W. C., Liu, P.L., Chang, C.C., (2021) Evaluation of Cognition and Performance with Different Interface Design on Flight Simulator, The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E2021) |
110 | Cheng, C. S., Hsieh, M. H., Lin, Y. C., Liu, K. H., Hong, T. J., (2021) Research on Association between 3D Face Recognition and Recommendation System, The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E2021) |
110 | Lin, Y. T., Chu, H. R., Liu, K. H., Chiu, M. C., Liang, Y. C., (2021) The Influences of Allergic Rhinitis on Body Structure of Lower Limb from Chinese Medicine Perspective, The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E2021) |
108 | Chang, C.C., Liu, C. J., Liu, K. H., (2019) The Legibility Threshold of Chinese Characters on the Augmented Reality Display – A Preliminary Study, 50th Nordic Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference. |
107 | Liu, C. J., Liu, K. H., Chang, C.C., The Legibility of Chinese Characters at Different Visual Distances, The 25nd Annual Meeting and International Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, 2018 |
107 | Lin, T. Y., Liu, K. H., Chang, C.C., Evaluation of Accident Investigation System Using a Real Fatal Accident Analysis, The 25nd Annual Meeting and International Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, 2018 |
106 | Lin , T. Y., Liu, K. H., Chang C. C., Apply HFACS on Accident Investigation System Interface Design. 2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, December, 2017. |
106 | Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. L., Chung, S. H., Liu, K. H., & Chang, Y. C. (2016). A Cross-cultural Study of Safety Climate: Foreign Labor in the Domestic Industry. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 790. |
104 | Liu, K. H., Chen, Y. L., Chang, C.C., Applying the human factors analysis and classification system for human errors and injuries in the iron and steel industry, IEA 2015 19th Triennial Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2015 |
104 | Chen, Y. L., Liu, K. H., Chang, C.C., Using the Human Factor Analysis Classification System (HFACS) to Identify Causes of Incidents in Steel Industries, The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, 2015 |
103 | Liu, K. H., Yang, C. W., Hwang, S. L., Liou, J. L., Visual Fatigue Evaluation: Improvement of Reflected Glare on Touch Screen for Nuclear Power Plant. International Symposium on Future I&C for Nuclear Power Plants, Jeju Island, Korea, 2014 |
103 | Liu, K. H., & Hwang, S. L., Systematic layout planning in human-sytem interface An evaluation of alarm displays with spatial proximity for accidents diagnosis of advanced nuclear power plant. IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2014 |
103 | Liu, K. H., Yang, C. W., Applicability of Human Reliability Assessment Methods to the Main Control Room in Nuclear Power Plants, The 21nd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, 2014 |
103 | Liu, K. H., Yang, C. W., Ko, C. M., Energy Behavior Change Related to Implementing Energy Management System in The Workplace, The 21nd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, 2014 |
102 | Liu, K. H., Hwang, S. L., Kao, T. M., Huang, H. W., Human Reliability Analysis of Ultimate Response Guideline in a Compound Disaster. Tokyo PSAM(Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management), Tokyo, Japan, 2013 |
102 | Liu, K. H., & Hwang, S. L., Reliability Evaluation of Ultimate Response Guideline for Nuclear Power Plants, The 20nd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, 2013 |
101 | Liu, K. H., Hwang, S. L., Liou, J. L., Human Performance on Alarm Systems in Control Rooms of Nuclear Power Plants. NUTHOS-9, 2012 |
101 | Liu, K. H., Huang, H. W., Liao, B. C., Cheng, T. C., Study of Digital I&C Software Test Coverage Theory and Combinatorial Testing Method. NUTHOS-9, 2012 |
101 | Huang, H. W., Chen, M. H., Shyu, S. S., Cheng, T. C., Kuo, W. W., Liu, K. H. Integration Technique of Digital I&C System Upgrade. NUTHOS-9, 2012 |
101 | Liu, K. H., Cheng, T. C., Huang, H. W., Human Error Analysis on Modern Human-System Interface in Main Control Room of Nuclear Power Plant, The 19nd Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan, 2012. |
113/11/01~114/10/31 | 共同主持人 | 從使用者體驗探討無人機飛控系統的人機介面設計-以偵察監控用無人機為例(113-2622-E-240-002-) |
112/08/01-115/07/31 | 主持人 | 頭戴式顯示裝置於機台安裝、操作、故障排除之AR/MR輔助系統開發設計-子計畫二:光學穿透式頭戴顯示器成像距離與視覺績效探討(112-2221-E-240-006-MY3) |
109/08/01~112/10/31 | 共同主持人 | 上肢外骨骼之3D人體計測與人機穿戴介面之研究與發展(109-2221-E-240-001-MY3) |
108/11/01~109/12/31 | 共同主持人 | 整合3D 體型、膚溫與膚色於中醫診斷輔助儀器開發(108-2745-8-167-002-) |
113/07/01~114/02/28 | 讓山道猴子平安回家!安全帽鏡片對視覺績效影響評估(楊文魁) |
111/07/01~112/02/28 | 探討被動式上肢外骨骼於不同體重與工作高度下所需之輔助力量(易聖淳/僑光科技大學) |
110/07/01~111/02/28 | 從安全性與便利性設計機車用反穿外套(楊聿汭/僑光科技大學) |
109/07/01~110/02/28 | 長照2.0下安養院照顧服務員的工作能力與生活品質調查(李紘維/僑光科技大學) |
戰鬥個裝使用姓專家主觀評估/中華民國情境智能學會 |
113 | 學士專題 | 探討人力資源管理對於人工智慧生成履歷之看法與剖析 | 周彥彤、謝宜芳、林詩庭、陳亞琪 |
113 | 學士專題 | 讓山道猴子平安回家!安全帽鏡片對視覺績效影響評估 | 林彥廷、許丞軒、楊文魁、王姝茵 |