
陳志成 助理教授







   聯絡信箱 | cthomasbm@nuu.edu.tw

   聯絡電話 | 037-381604

   研究空間 | C1-408

   學  歷 | 國立中興大學應用經濟學系管理博士

   研究專長 | 永續經濟學、非市場財價值評估、人工智慧產品服務系統、企業創新與管理










113 Kurrahman, T., Tsai, FM., Sethanan, K., Chen, CC.(陳志成), Tseng, ML.* (2024, Nov). Assessing a hierarchical structure for circular supply chain management performance: Improving firms’ eco-innovation and technological performance. Business Strategy and the Environment (SSCI IF=12.5). (Accepted). (SSCI, Q1/Strategy and Management).
113 Wang, Ching-Hsin; CHEN, CHIH-HAN; Chih-Cheng, Chen(陳志成); Hsieh, Hsi-Huang (2024, Aug). Decarbonization of remanufacturing processes in circular supply chains: case study on rubber recycling industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems (SCI IF=4.11). (Accepted). (SCI, Q1/COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS).
113 Ping Li; Ting Li; Hongyu Xu; Shih-Chih Chen; Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成); Ming-Lang Tseng* (2024, May). Promoting or inhibiting? Digital supply chain impacts on firm performance in Industry 4.0: implication to circular supply chain strategy. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications(SCI, IF=4.5) , 1-19.
113 Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成); Faradilah Hanum; Tat-Dat Bui; Ming K. Lim; Ming Lang Tseng* (2024, Apr). Suboptimal food products in Indonesia: a sustainable consumption behavior choice experiment and unveiling the attributes with a causality approach. Annals of Operations Research(SCI, IF=4.4), 1-47. (SCI, Q1/Management Science and Operations Research)NSTC 111-2221-E-451- 002-MY3. 本人為第一作者
112 Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成), Faza Muhammad Sukarsono, Kuo-Jui Wu* (2023, Jan). Evaluating a sustainable circular economy model for the Indonesian fashion industry under uncertainties: A hybrid decision-making approach. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering. (Accepted). (EI, ESCI). NSTC 111-2221-E-451-002-MY3. 本人為第一作者.
111 Chen C., Qu, L., Tseng, M.L.*, Li, L., Chen, C. C. (陳志成), Lim, MK (2022, Jun). Reducing fuel cost and enhancing the resource utilization rate in energy economic load dispatch problem. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, IF=9.297), 364(1), 13279. (SCI, 4/220, Q1, Environmental Science).
111 Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成), Raditia Yudistira Sujanto, Tat-Dat Bui, Anthony SF Chiu, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Ming-Lang Tseng* (2022, Jun). Sustainable recyclate packaging in Indonesian food and beverage industry: a hybrid decision making analysis in consumption stages. Quality & Quantity (Scimago, IF=2.87), pp.1-37. (Scopus, 20/260, Social Sciences). 本人為第一作者.
111 Tseng, ML.*, Ha, MH., Tran, TPT., Bui, TD., Chen, C. C.(陳志成), Lin,C. W. (2022, Jan). Building a data-driven hierarchical circular supply chain structure: resource recovery implementation drives circular business strategy. Business Strategy and the Environment (SSCI, IF=10.302), 2022. (SSCI, 18/399, Q1, Business and International Management).
110 Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成), Raditia Yudistira Sujanto, Ming-Lang Tseng *, Anthony SF Chiu and Ming K. Lim (2021, Oct). How is the sustainable consumption intention model in food industry under preference uncertainties? The consumer willingness to pay on recycled packaging material. Sustainability (SCI,IF=3.251), 13(2021), 11578, 1-22. (SCI, JCR - Q2 (Environmental Sciences) / CiteScore - Q1 (Geography, Planning and Development)). 本人為第一作者.
110 Parng, M., Kurrahman , T., Chen, C.C.(陳志成), Tseng, M. L.*,Ha, H. H., Lin, C. W. (2021, Jun). Visualizing the hierarchical sustainable human resource management under qualitative information and complex interrelationships, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal (ESCI). (32(6), 1422-1447.)
110 Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成), Raditia Yudistira Sujanto , Ming-Lang Tseng *, Minoru Fujii ,and Ming K. Lim (2021, Mar). Sustainable consumption transition model: Social concerns and waste minimization under willingness-to-pay in Indonesian food industry. Resources, Conservation & Recycling (SCI, IF=8.086, Q1期刊). 170, 15590. 本人為第一作者.
109 Lin, Y.-H., Hong, C.-F., Lee, C.-H., Chen, C.-C.(陳志成)* (2020, Sep). Integrating Aspects of Ecosystem Dimensions into Sorghum and Wheat Production Areas in Kinmen, Taiwan. Land Use Policy (SSCI, IF=3.850, Q2期刊), 99,104965. 本人為通訊作者.
109 Tseng, M.-L., Chen, C.-C.(陳志成), Wu, K.-J., Tan, R (2020, May). Eco-efficient sustainable service supply chain management hierarchical model based on qualitative information and quantitative data. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal (ESCI), 31(4),961-984



113 王羿羚,蔡廷杰,高紹騫,曾堉嘉,陳志成(2024, Dec),ESG評分對電動車產業經營績效影響之評估, 2024第五屆台灣創新發明教育學會年會暨國際研討會及第22屆管理學術研討會,台中市勤益科技大學. 本人為通訊作者並榮獲優秀論文
113 Chen, Chih-Cheng(陳志成); Kurrahman, Taufik; Tsai, Feng Ming; Sethanan, Kanchana; Tseng, Ming-Lang (2024, Nov). A hierarchical circular supply chain management performance assessment: Improvement from firms’ eco-innovation and technological performance. 2024 International Conference on Resource Sustainability(2024 ICRS conference), 泰國曼谷. NSTC 111-2221-E-451-002- MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
113 Faradilah Hanum, Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成), Tat-Dat Bui, Yeneneh Tamirat Negash, Ming-Lang Tseng (2024, Feb). Suboptimal food products in Indonesia: A sustainable consumption behavior choice experiment and unveiling the attributes with causality approach . Twenty-third International Working Seminar on Production Economics(IWSPE conference), 奧地利茵斯布魯克. NSTC 111- 2221-E-451-002-MY3. 本人為通訊作者
113 Feng-Ming Tsai, Taufik Kurrahman, Ming-Lang Tseng, Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成) (2024, Feb). Circular supply chain management under uncertainties: Improving technological capabilities and eco-efficient in manufacturing industry. Twentythird International Working Seminar on Production Economics (IWSPE conference), 奧地利茵斯布魯克.
111 Chih-Cheng Chen*(陳志成), Raditia Yudistira Sujanto, Taufik Kurrahman, Ching-Hsin Wang (2022, Dec). Sustainable packaging in Taiwan’s food and beverage industry: a consumption process integration. 2022第三屆中華物聯網與人工智慧研究學會年會暨國際研討會及 第20屆管理學術研討會, 台中市勤益科技大學. NSTC 111-2221-E-451-002-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
109 Raditia Yudistira Sujanto, Chih-Cheng Chen(陳志成), Ming-Lang Tseng (2020, Nov). Sustainable consumption transition under willingness-to-pay values and uncertainties in Indonesia’s food industry. The 18th International Conference on Sustainable Operation and Development and the 2020 Conference of Taiwan Association of Digital Media Design. 本人為通訊作者.
107 Chen, Chih-Cheng(陳志成), Lin, Yuan-Xu, and Lu, Yan-Ru (2018, Jul). Evaluation of Farmer's Production Efficiency in Kinmen Sorghum-Application of Network Data Envelopment Analysis. 2018 Taiwan Productivity and Efficiency Conference & Advance Lecture Series. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
106 Chih-Cheng CHEN(陳志成) , Ming-Lang TSENG, Ming LIM, David Buid (2017, May). Assessing the sustainable tourism in Vietnam: proposed a hierarchical structure approach. The 21th International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference, 義大利威尼斯. MOST 106-2914-I-451-001-A1. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.



111/08/01114/07/31 主持人 整合可持續和智慧產品服務系統:以永續的產品和消費角度來詮釋--子計畫五:台灣餐飲業的可持續包裝:消費過程整合之分析, 111-2221-E-451 -002 -MY3三年期整合型計畫
102/08/01~103/07/31 主持人 資通訊技術對台灣與中國金融產業競爭力與經營績效之探討-投入產出表結合資料包絡分析法,NSC102-2410-H-451



100/07/01~101/02/28 資通訊技術投資對台灣綠色能源產業之影響效果(陳意玟/明道大學)



111/11/01112/07/31 建構農產品冷鏈物流中心及品質確保示範體系計畫-漢光蔬果區域冷鏈物流中心先期規劃/漢光果菜生產合作社
107/02/01107/06/30 市場接受度調查與顧客滿意度之分析-建築外牆無機物自潔新產品/貝斯特精密化學企業有限公司
106/08/01107/07/31 金門縣高梁暨小麥生產區生態系功能之經濟價值評估/金門縣政府
99/01/01101/12/31 建立農產品認證制度之研究/中國生產力中心
99/07/0199/12/31 低碳能源發展與社會經濟系統互動關鍵因子資料蒐集/財團法人工業技術研究院



113 學士專題 自然生態園區永續觀光規劃與經營策略之分析 洪培馨、楊婕妤、許家銘、張尹亭
113 學士專題 ESG評分對電動車産業經營績效影響之評估 曾堉嘉、高紹騫、蔡廷杰、王羿羚




